Nutritional Programme

Malnutrition in India remains a common and widespread problem. Especially in backward and rural areas, a high percentage of pregnant mothers and infants is malnourished, which leads to mortality and other major health problems. For this reason, IIMC_Mission has started a malnutrition prevention programme in 1994. Giving mothers basic counselling and advices on the issue was not sufficient to defeat the problem. Hence, Dr. Sujit Brahmochary has invented 3 nutritional mixtures, which are prepared daily at the indoor campus according to the needs of the individual they target, and contain all micro and macronutrients needed by these beneficiaries. Every malnourished child or malnourished mother needs one package per month to cover the calorie and protein intake needed. The ND (nutritional diet) packages are regularly distributed at each outdoor and to the health workers of the Network programme. The price per package is 5 Rs., which makes the product accessible to the poorest people.