How it Works

We should not forget education is a basic human right. But unfortunately children are deprived of this legitimate right. Half of the population of world lives on less than $2. Their struggle in poverty prevents them from sending their children to school. Research confirms it is highly possible that lack of education stops the children to have access to clean water, sanitation and nutritious food and become susceptible to choric malnutrition.


Given our experience, we now understand that educating children is one the most important ways of helping the them as well their families to break the vicious cycle of poverty. This is also an effective means to erase a prejudice from poor people’s mind: education is for the rich but not for the poor. Our aim is to protect a tender mind from the contamination of social vices like begging and stealing. We don’t want any child falls into the trap of smuggling, bondage labouring and human trafficking.

Children must live a healthy life and foresee their unadulterated future. To concentrate in their education with undivided mind, their families need to have consistent source of income, food, health service, clothing and housing. Over all, we want all children have their preferred education and go ahead as far as possible. It is our strong wish that in their adulthood, they have profession of their choice and look after their families with love and affection and contribute in taking care of neighbours, communities as the responsible citizens of the country.

For the last 29 years, IIMC is running the Sponsorship Programme, and we are proud to mention that many of the students have to completed their education successfully and secure their deserved social positions. And, presently more than 3000 children receive the benefit to Sponsorship Programme.

The programme gives unfortunate children the possibility to go to school, which would be otherwise neglected to them. The idea is to sponsor one child per family, so that at least one member can help the family to empower. There are 4 simple selection criteria in order for a child to be eligible to take part to the programme:
  • Both parents must be illiterate and the children represent the first educated generation;
  • The family must be very poor, generally living below poverty level;
  • The family should not possess any land
  • The house where the children live must be constructed with bamboo, mud or brick walls.

If the family meets these requirements the sponsorship can be activated.