This programme is a gateway to vulnerable women, who are often suffer from discrimination, injustice, deprivation and exploitation, and they live in perpetual poverty. They come in touch with IIMC through different programme activities, who definitely deserve assistance to come out of the confinement of poverty. The volunteers of Women’s Development Programme meet and listen to them about their struggling lives, which help the volunteers to help the women to decide what kinds of assistance they need.
Assessing their needs, the programme arranges various training for them. The training rekindles their awareness about the reasons why they live in social degradation, ignorance, discrimination and exploitation. This awareness also makes them realise they are in a possession of inbuilt strength, courage, intelligence, and social and human rights. After the training, they go to their villages, they form groups and share the new knowledge about their social positions.And they also understand their inner strength and get ready do some life-changing activities with confidence.