International Participation

IIMC_Mission has since ever cooperated with international students, teachers, economists, and social activists who have an interest for rural development and solidarity. Among the 660 individuals, approximately 640 are local volunteers, while 20 are rotational foreign volunteers. These are very important for the project, from both a financial and moral point of view. As a matter of facts, international volunteers, a part from contributing with their time, skills, and physical labour, bring funds for different projects directly and indirectly. More importantly,they represent a great source of encouragement, motivation and inspiration for the local Volunteers. The international volunteers come from different countries and have a wide diversity of educational backgrounds. Each volunteer spends at least one month working for IIMC_Mission and has the opportunity to help poor people and do a life changing experience. The fields in which the volunteers have specialized are: medical and nursing; economics and global development; engineering and architecture; teaching. Many of them keep themselves busy working for IIMC going back to their countries. Because of their cordial support and active participation, we have now 17 IIMC branches working around the world.