The IIMC was conceived & started by Dr. Sujit Kumar Brahmochary in 1998. He obtains his medical degree in Calcutta (Kolkata) and he specialised in paediatrics in Belgium, with a scholarship from the Belgium Red Cross. While living in Europe Dr. Brahmochary realised that as a doctor he would be more useful in India than in Belgium and so he wanted to do something for the development of poor people in India. He returned to Calcutta and joined Mother Teresa as Medical Director of Mother’s Mission. Mother Teresa& her Spiritual Director Fr. Celest Vanexem become his Philosophical Masters.
After working with MOTHER TERESA for two years, Dr. Brahmochary decided (that he wished) to commit his life helping the poor.
In 1989, he started working on his own mission in a poor area 30 Km south of Calcutta. There was no medical facility and the people had no access to any health care support.